
Niche And Grow Rich

Unless you have been living under an Internet rock, you have probably heard the buzz about Niche Marketing. Right now it is the hottest marketing topic online.Is it a new concept? Well on the Internet maybe, but if like me, you have been involved in direct response marketing in the Bricks and Mortar world then it isnt - thats the way weve done things since time immemorial.So whats this Niche Marketing thing all about? If you have ever taken Marketing 101 then you ll have heard of the old marketing adage : Find a need and fill it -thats what Niche Marketing is all about. Finding a focused group of people, with a specialized interest, eager to buy The Niche and promoting a suitable product or service to all those interested in buying it Marketing. Let me give you a few examples of these Niches : Recipes Golf Fishing Health and Fitness Travel Collectibles Dating Dog Training Satellite TV Beauty Tips Astrology Cats Bartending Alternative Health Hand-poured Candles Gourmet Foods Gambling Mortgages Credit Cards Music Jewellery. the led light bulbs list just goes on and on and these are just the main headings, there are niches within each of these niches Think of a subject and there is likely a niche market for it But the name of the game is to find a tightly focused niche. The reason for this that if you target a general market the competition is fierce and it is hard, if not impossible, for the little guy to get a foothold. When you narrow down the size of the market you eradicate most of the heavy hitters with bottomless advertising budgets, because these guys arent interested in making a few thousand bucks a year from these tiny specialized markets, theyre after millions from mass markets. And lets face it if you are a little guy you simply cant be everything to everybody, so you must pick a specific focus Niche for your business. For example do not target Fishing, instead target Fishing Bait is or Fishing Lures both of which have a much more specific focus.Get the idea? Once you narrow down the size of the market you have an automatic advantage over larger companies. Here is why: You can quickly become an expert in your niche if you are not already It is easier to keep current with a narrowly focused market niche You can respond faster to changes in the market You can build close relationships with key customers that will be hard to compete with This is something I learned from experience - if you are interested you can read my story here : nichemarketknowhow.com/articles/andre-anthony-value-of-niche-marketing.htm. By now you are probably wondering about the mechanics of this niche marketing stuff. In a nutshell here is how it works : Find and research profitable niche markets Locate or develop suitable products/services to market Set up a web site to market the products/services Establish a marketing system that works for you Repeat the process over and over again with a different niche each time. Imagine having a niche site producing one sale a day at say $20. Thats $7300 a year - how many sites could you set up and run 10, 20 .? But before you get too excited, I have a word of caution for you: Niche marketing is not a magic bullet. It isnt a matter of putting up a web site and then sitting back and waiting for the money to roll in - build it and they will come may have worked for Kevin Costner in Field of Dreams, but it doesnt work that way on the Internet - if you do that youll be waiting a long led light bulbs time. If you want a successful niche business, you have to work at it just like any other business - if you are prepared to put in the effort though the rewards can be significant.

